

Strategy / Brand / Website

Brand identity for dominant real estate team

The principal of this real estate team approached us for help with branding. Our projects often involve aligning a client’s offline success with their online and marketing presence, and this project was no exception.

This client had a sophisticated offering for an upscale market and clientele. They were very open to different approaches from the start. When they shared their tagline, “The Art of Buying and Selling Homes,” we were immediately drawn to our art-school roots.

Inspired by 20th-century art and design, we pursued a modernist, op-art direction, focusing on a reductive interpretation of the client’s initials.

EW Logo
EW Color scheme
EW Business cards
EW Website
EW Website blog
EW Website listing
EW Bag
EW Tape
EW Tape

Like us to review your marketing?

Would you a fresh pair or eyes to review your current branding? Simply send us a link to your website and we’ll be in touch.