

Strategy / Brand / Signage / Pitch-Deck / Social Media

Top agent breaks free from legacy brokerage to build her own from the ground up.

We had been working with our client since 2015 when she decided to leave her existing brokerage to start her own.

Trust is essential for a successful relationship and is earned over time. These years also provided valuable insights into the nuances of her personality. Often, at the start of a project, we try to gather as much history as possible during the discovery phase.

So when our client approached us to build a brand for her new brokerage, we were able to get started almost immediately.

QR Logo
QR Color scheme
QR Business cards
QR Real estate sign
IK Website
Ik Ipad

Feeling established from day one

Despite their cumulative years of experience, they were still a brand new company. That may be perceived as a risky choice for some of their potential clients.

We developed a suite of marketing materials that helped to ameliorate this. 

When they presented themselves to new clients they had an array of materials that matched or exceeded their legacy competition.

QR Buyer/Seller document
QR Buyer/Seller document inside
QR Buyer/Seller document pages
QR social media
QR sign
QR Sign

Like us to review your marketing?

Would you a fresh pair or eyes to review your current branding? Simply send us a link to your website and we’ll be in touch.