

Strategy / Brand / Naming / Pitch-Deck / Social Media

LBH aims to make the dream of building a custom home a reality by greatly simplifying the process.

Many people aspire to build their own home, but the daunting reality of the task often deters them. LBH has developed a system that simplifies this process by breaking it into key stages, where homeowners are presented with curated choices. Each set of choices is priced as a block, ensuring homeowners stay on budget. This holistic approach results in a coordinated aesthetic throughout the project.

The client had already established their company name and refined their process while building their first homes. They approached us when they needed to present themselves more professionally and communicate their core message more effectively.

LBH Logo

Our task was to align the presentation of their company with the high quality of their work. We began with a deep dive into their business to understand what was unique about their offering and how they treated their customers. We also explored what potential customers were looking for in a builder and their concerns about selecting the right one.


It became clear that the company needed to project competence, trustworthiness, and an expert understanding of the home-building process. We developed a brand identity system that included a logo, wordmark, pitch deck, business cards, social media templates, and marketing materials.

LBH Color scheme
LBH Icon sets and business cards
LBH Pitch deck
LBH Pitch deck inside
LBH Signage and slogan
LBH Social media templates
LBH poster
LBH vehicle

Like us to review your marketing?

Would you a fresh pair or eyes to review your current branding? Simply send us a link to your website and we’ll be in touch.