

Strategy / Brand / Naming / Pitch-Deck / Social Media

Leaf, an upstart brokerage built from the ground up, rapidly transformed from a start-up to a dominant player in the marketplace before being sold to Sotheby’s.

We were approached by a real estate broker with over a decade of experience working for an established real estate brand who wanted to create a new kind of brokerage from scratch.

From the beginning, we collaborated closely with the broker. We established a strategy and set clear goals. We developed an ideal client narrative and brand aspirations. Our work encompassed naming the brokerage, building the brand identity system, designing the website, and creating marketing materials and social media templates.

In less than ten years, the brokerage achieved market dominance and was subsequently sold to Sotheby’s.

Leaf Logo

Leaf’s core marketplace was in an area dominated by traditional real estate companies. However, the demographics of the area began to change, particularly during and after COVID, as many professionals were able to work from home. 

To appeal to these urbanites seeking a better work-life balance in the countryside, we developed a contemporary brand feel that resonated with their lifestyle and preferences.

Leaf Color scheme
Leaf Business cards


Invariably the simpler the logo the more flexible it is for on-brand iterations. We love to play with the logo form and adapt it as the opportunity arises.

Leaf spring
Leaf Super Bowl
Leaf Valentines
Leaf Thanksgiving
Leaf Love
Leaf Sold
Leaf Tent
Leaf Tape
Leaf Keychain
Leaf Envelope

Like us to review your marketing?

Would you a fresh pair or eyes to review your current branding? Simply send us a link to your website and we’ll be in touch.